Clean Sweep 2m x 4 Collection Bays
$589.00 inc GST. AUD
The 2m wide Clean Sweep is designed to quickly and easily clean and groom tennis court and sports field surfaces such as Synthetic Grass, Porous, Clay, Loam, Gravel, Plexi-Pave, Rebound Ace, Asphalt, etc. Remove leaves, pine needles, sticks, stones, seed pods, and foreign matter in minutes.
PLEASE NOTE: Our shop is currently unable to accept payments.
This is primarily due to the high and variable freight costs associated with shipping items around Australia. Please email us at with your name, number, and shipping address. We will establish a freight quote, and then let you know the total cost of delivering an Aussie Clean Sweep to you. We apologise for the inconvenience and will respond to all enquiries as soon as we receive them.
Kind regards,
The Aerosweep Team.